During the Christmas weekend, the north Indian hill state is experiencing heavy traffic and a surge in tourists.

According to Lahaul and Spiti police, following snowfall at the Atal Tunnel on Sunday, a record-breaking 28,210 vehicles crossed the tunnel

The desire to visit the tunnel caused a spike in hotel occupancy, reaching 90% in important hill resorts of Shimla and Manali

Shimla, the state capital, was crammed with thousands of cars, causing congestion at various places

According to a Facebook post on Monday evening, the Shimla Police announced that in the past 72 hours, a total of 55,345 vehicles have arrived in the city

Himachal Pradesh, especially Manali, Kasol, and Banjar/Tirthan Valley, experiences annual tourist overflow during Christmas and New Year holidays

Because tourists want to celebrate a "White Christmas" at popular holiday spots, these areas expect a lot of traffic

The smooth functioning of transportation and accommodation in the region is hindered by the traffic situation and the influx of tourists